Top Three Bulker Scrapping Countries 01/01/2015 – 30/06/2015


Bulker Scrapping Overview - LargeTop three bulker scrapping countries 01/01/2015 – 30/06/2015, based on the total DWT sold for scrap.

The top players are not too surprising, but their scrapping activity differs when you look at the types of bulkers being sold off.


Greek owners have scrapped proportionally more Capesize and Handysize bulkers than Chinese owners in 2015 YTD. Due in part to a more pessimistic view on the drybulk market, preferring to scrap and exit the sector rather than reinvest in DD works and sit it out.


Handy bulkers that were built 1980-90



owned as of 1st jan 2015
China               120                         scrapped.                                 29
Greece                27                             13


As for Capesizes built between 1980-97


 owned as of 1stjan 2015
China 24                       scrapped.                                          7
Greece 41  .                                       20