Our Company is at the final stage of processing the:
an edition which includes all the communication details (full addresses, phones, fax, emails, websites etc.)
of all the companies connected with shipping in Greece and also in the biggest ports of the world (by city).
The above edition is been published every 2 years and is distributed free of charge,
especially during the ‘’POSIDONIA’’ shipping exhibition andto all subscribers (15.000 & more).
It’s used by Shipping companies throughout the world such as:
Shipping offices, shipowning companies, suppliers, brokers, insurance companies, banks, embassies, oil companies, shipyards, imports and exports etc.
It constitutes in connection with our other editions, the most effectual everyday guide-tool,
for all senior executives in the maritime field.
In order to your Company’s current details be inserted and stated appropriately at the
Kindly provide us with your Company’s details:
Company Title & Logo
·Photos of your Funnel
· Address
· Phones
· Staff’s and Dept’s Emails
· Web-site
as you desire to be appeared in our Data-Bank & Publications, at your earliest convenience.
*For your kind information, in case of not receiving any reply of your Company, the existing details that we provide in our Data-Bank will be considered accurate, and will remain the same.
Yours Faithfully
IT. Dept.