Maritime Cyber Resilience Forum – Athens, May 7


The biggest challenge with maritime cyber security could simply be explained as deciding what to do about it.

On one hand we have massive dangers, such as using a ship as a weapon – but do we need to worry about this, considering we already give seafarers control of the vessel?

On the other hand, we have a consistent stream of phishing attacks, virus fraud attempts and viruses. But considering that operational software is actually not critical to operations in most companies, in that a shipping company could function for days just with paper and telephone if it had to, how much of a risk is that really?

And what do we do about ‘people’?  It is common to hear security professionals complain about the silly mistakes that people make, but rather than send people on courses to hear advice they soon forget, it may be better to block USB drives and access to external e-mail, and implement software whitelists, rather than give people freedom and complain when they make mistakes.

There are some very specific risks – such as viruses on an ECDIS or GPS spoofing – which are possible to mitigate, so long as we are aware of them.

There are also some serious threats of attacks by government organisations, such as for tanker companies in service of national oil companies owned by target governments. But perhaps these attackers have better targets than shipping companies.

Confirmed Speakers include:

  • Achilleas Choursoglou, Information Technology Advisor, A.M.M.I.TE.C.
  • Kostas Grivas, Information Security Officer, Angelicoussis Group
  • Fotis Tsitsirigkos, Fleet IT Manager, Euronav
  • Mr Erik Vigen, Senior Developer, GNSS Scientist, Fugro Oceanstar™
  • Ms Hanne Krohn Jünge, International Sales Manager, Master Mariner, Fugro Oceanstar™
  • Matthew Maheras, IT Manager, Metrostar Management Corp.
  • Thanos Servos, IT Manager, Seaven Tanker and Dry Management
  • Konstantinos Sakellakos, IT Manager, NAVARONE SA
  • Theodoros Kalyvas, Information Security Officer, Olympic Shipping Management
  • Nikolaos Sforos, IT Manager, Regal Agencies Corp.
  • George Efthimiou, IT Administrator and Security Expert, Gourdomichalis Maritime

Across 4 key sessions we will aim to provide perspective about where the real  threats are in the maritime industry, and what to do about them.

Session 1: Designing Security Frameworks

Session 3: Improving Security on the Vessel

Session 2: People-Centric Approach to Cyber Security

Session 4: Maximizing Input from Technology Companies to Improve Security of the Vessel



Novotel Athens

4-6 Michail Voda str.

104 39 Athens Greece


No admission charge for ship owners, operators, managers and builders.

To register:


For 18 years, Digital Ship magazine has provided the digital community of the world’s maritime industry with the latest news and developments, including satellite communications, software, navigation, vessel efficiency, cyber security, big data and analytics, to help keep shipping operating with maximum safety, efficiency and crew comfort.




Lyndell Cooks, Marketing Manager Digital Ship

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