“Green Maritime Technologies – Facing the Challenges of the Environment Regulations”





For the 8th consecutive year, the Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology organizes its Annual Meeting, comprising a series of events, increasingly regarded as an annual shipping highlight and the national meeting point for Greek maritime technologists. This year’s events will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 18th and 19th November, 2014, at the Eugenides Foundation, under the title:


“Green Maritime Technologies – Facing the Challenges of the Environment Regulations


This Event will serve as a platform for significant stake holders, representatives of shipping associations/chambers and opinion leaders of the Greek Shipping Community, in addition to Greek marine scientists and technologists, to share their valuable experience and view-points with special focus on (profile, application, final program attached) the following subjects :


Main topics


Marine fuels – The way ahead: LNG as ship fuel – Distillate fuels: characteristics and possible operating issues


Practices for meeting environmental regulations: CO2 emissions:  monitoring, reporting and verification- Implementation of SECAs regulations in Europe.


Safety studies in ship operation: Risk analysis in ship to ship transfer of cargo – Advanced failure modes analysis of marine engine systems


Innovative applications in marine technology: Flapping-foil thrusters for augmenting ship propulsion – Experimental exhaust system for smoke emissions abatement


Passenger ships – The architect’s view point: Recent trends in the design of passenger ships- Αrchitecture, design and operational issues in passenger ships.


Selected papers of Greek scientists from International Conferences (IMAM 2013,Coruna, Spain)


Thematic talks


  • Recent Industry Advances on Propulsion
  • Developments in the field of marine tourism
  • Design and operation of ships
  • Environmental protection policies of the Piraeus Port Authority and European challenges
  • Green technologies, retrofits in Greece


Round Table Discussion ShortSea Shipping Environmental Regulations Compliance – Technoeconomic Aspects

                                                                            18 NOVEMBER 2014, EUGENIDES FOUNDATION, Auditorium (15.15 – 17.30)


Starting 1st January 2015, all ships sailing in the SEC (Sulphur Emissions Control) Areas, must use fuels with sulphur content of less than 0.1%. Alternatively, the vessels can use “cleaning” systems (i.e. scrubbers), which can reduce the sulphur content of the exhaust gases accordingly. There are about 5.000 vessels (Danish Maritime Auth.) sailing in the SEC Areas at any time, on average. About 14.000 vessels visit these Areas every year, 2.200 ships spend all of their time in SEC Areas and another 2.700 spend there more than 50% of their average sailing time. Finally, 71% of these Ships belong to European operators. According to relevant interviews, most ship owners prefer LSMGO as fuel. Some of them say that they are also considering Scrubber for their “second hand” ships and LNG for their newbuildings. A few owners are planning to sell or move their ships to other areas. Based on the comments from the ship operators, we can conclude that Scrubbers are preferred for ships at an age of 0-10 years and LNG is preferred for newbuildings, if the ship has a regular trade and spend all of its sailing time in SEC Areas. Finally, according to surveys, most of the ship owners require a payback time of up to maximum 5 years. In most of the cases the charterer pays for the fuel expenses, giving the ship owner less incentive to make investments to reduce the fuel cost.


( in alphabetical order) :


– Korres Alkis, Maritime Economist, Correspond Consultant in European Affairs, Hellenic ShortSea Ship-owners Association

– Papadimitriou Efstatios, Professor, Maritimes Studies, University of Piraeus

– Sakellis Michael, President, Greek Shipowners Association For Passenger Ships(SEEN)

– Simantonis Charalampos, President, Hellenic ShortSea Ship-owners Association

– Theotokas Ioannis, Professor, Dep. Of Shipping Trade and Transport, University of the Aegean

– Yannoulis Panagiotis, President Oceanking S.A., Representative SPC Greece at the ESSF

*Franz Lamplmair, European Commission, Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries *under confirmation, skype connection

Coordinator: George Vozikis, Member of the HIMT Organizing Committee 2014, Deputy Director, Hellenic ShortSea Ship-owners Association


Τhe H.I.M.T. Annual Meeting 2014, complemented by its Μaritime Technology Exhibition and its Annual Book of Marine Technology – 8th edition, is a unique opportunity for you to capitalize on challenges arising in market for your products / services.


Annual Dinner and H.I.M.T. Award 2014


During the Annual Dinner, which will take place the second day of the event (19/11,Yacht Club of Greece – NOE) the prestigious H.I.M.T. Award for the year 2014 will be presented.


The H.I.M.T. Marine Technology for 2014 will be awarded to Mr. Aris Theodoridis, Naval Architect and Marine Engineer.


The 8th Annual Meeting is under the auspices of :


Ministry of Shipping and Aegean Sea

Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change

Hellenic Chamber of Shipping

Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association


A large scale media, b2b and internet campaign, will reinforce the Event’s announcement and Sponsors’ promotion within the Greek Maritime Community. The KATHIMERINI  newspaper including its website kathimerini.gr, is the formal media sponsor.  Announcements, press releases and advertisements appear in highly respected shipping media, such as Efoplistis, Elnavi, Naftika Chronika, all their official sites, and other such as maritimes.grnafsgreen.grskolarikos.gr,portnet.gr, etc.


HIMT 2014 Sponsors and Supporters : Gold Sponsors (in alphabetical order) ALFA LAVAL ΑΕΒΕ,LLOYD’S REGISTERNKOM Nakilat – Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd., NORSAFE, OCEANKINGΤechnical and Trading SA,




For more information, please contact +30 210 88 27 541, 210 82 53 603, +30 69 44 34 37 06.


Looking  forward to welcoming you in November the 18th and 19th.


Best Regards,


On behalf of Konstantinos Spyrou, HIMT Chairman


Ioanna Halari

Economist – Project Manager


Annual Meeting of Marine Technology 2014

Technological Conference and Exhibition

Mobile: +30 6944 34 37 06

Tel: +30 210 88 27 541, +30 210 82 53 603, Fax : +30 210 49 10 109

e-mail: dna_cs@otenet.gr


For Information / Participation:


Skouze 14 Str., GR 18 536 Piraeus,

Tel.: +30 210 41 86 062, Fax: +30 210 41 86 062

e-mail: elint@otenet.gr, www.elint.org.gr


Sponsors / Conference – Exhibition Organization

DNA Dynamic New Advertising – Publications – Conferences:

Tel.: +30 210-8827541210-8253603, ++ 30 69 44 34 37 06

e-mail: dna_info@otenet.gr